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New Mexico Association of
School Psychologists

Proposed Updates and Revisions to the Constitution and By-laws of the New Mexico Association of School Psychologists

Proposed updates can be found below:
Proposed Constitution and Bylaws NMASP 6-10-24.docx

Proposed changes will be voted on by membership at the next business meeting of the Association, occurring on 11/2/2024 during the annual conference.

Constitution and By-laws of the New Mexico Association of School Psychologists

Article I

Section 1. Name

The name of the organization shall be the New Mexico Association of School Psychologists, which shall be a legally incorporated nonprofit organization.

Section 2. Office

The principal office of the Association shall be at an address to be designated by The Executive Board.

Article II 
Objectives and Limitations

Section 1. Objectives

The objectives of the Association shall be, through research and educational activities:

  1. To serve the educational and mental health needs of all students.

  2. To foster and maintain high standards of competency, service, and ethical conduct among its members.

  3. To increase awareness of, promote quality services for, and be a resource concerning the educational and mental health needs of children.

  4. To advocate for the needs of children and youth.

  5. To provide opportunities for the exchange of professional ideas, methods, and research among school psychology personnel and others.

  6. To promote School Psychology.

Section 2. Limitations

The Association shall be nonprofit, nonpartisan, nonsectarian, and nondiscriminatory in its purpose and activities.

Article III 

Section 1. The association shall consist of the following membership categories:

  1. Regular membership

*Only regular members are afforded full privileges in the Association, with the right to vote, hold elective office, and participate in all Association affairs.

    1. Members or persons eligible for regular membership in the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), who work or live in New Mexico;

    2. Members or persons eligible for certification for the National Certification of School Psychologists (NCSP);

    3. Persons certified or licensed as school psychologists by another state, but currently functioning in a different role within this state;

    4. Persons who have been a member in good standing, but have retired;

    5. Persons who hold a New Mexico Licensure for Educational Diagnostician.

  1. Associate member 
    Membership in this category shall be open to other persons whose interests and/or profession are in accordance with the stated objectives of this Association
    . Associate members cannot hold elective office, or vote on Association matters.

  2. Student Member 
    Membership in this category shall be open to those currently enrolled in at least six graduate semester credit hours in an educational diagnostician and/or school psychologist training program, or other students whose interests are in accordance with the state objectives of this Association.

  3. Retired Member

Membership in this category shall be open to those retired from, full time professional activity; may be consulting or involved in other paid professional activity less than 15 hours a week.

  1. Leave of Absence Member

Membership in this category shall be open to those unable to work for family or personal reasons, looking for work, unemployment, consulting or involved in other paid professional activity for less than 15 hours a week.

  1. Honorary Life Member 
    Membership in this category shall be by invitation of any member of the Association through the membership committee, subject to approval by the majority of voting members present. An Honorary Life Member is one who, in the opinion of the majority of the voting membership present, has made a significant contribution to the field of school psychology. Honorary members cannot hold elective office or vote on Association matters.

Section 2.

Formal application for individual membership completed through the NMASP website or may be obtained from the Executive Board, or from the Membership Chair, and, when completed, returned to the Membership Chair. All membership applications will be subject to review, and names of eligible applicants will be presented to the Membership Committee or approval. An applicant approved by the Membership Committee will become a member upon payment of dues.

Section 3. Disaffiliation

Severance of membership at all levels shall be for:

  1. Nonpayment of dues; or

  2. Violation of the NASP Code of Ethics for School Psychologists or 6.63.4 NMAC for Educational Diagnosticians. Violation charges are to be presented to the Executive Board of the New Mexico Association of School Psychologist. The Executive Board may handle the charges, or appoint a committee. Due process outlined in the “NASP Professional Conduct Manual” will be followed for both School Psychologists and Educational Diagnosticians.

Article IV 

Section 1. By-laws

The Constitution and the By-laws of this Association shall be adopted and amended by the Executive Board and two-thirds of the membership present at the Annual Meeting, at the yearly conference. Prior notice of adoption or amendment shall be given at least one month prior to this meeting. Alternate methods may be used.

Section 2. Parliamentary Authority

Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern in all parliamentary matters.

Section 3. Officers

The officers of the Association shall be elected by simple majority of the ballots returned by the general membership, and are designated as follows:

  1. The President shall:

    1. Preside at all meetings of the Association;

    2. Act as chairperson of the Executive Board;

    3. Appoint standing committees and task forces;

    4. Designate emissaries to other offices and agencies;

    5. Present, further, and promote the objectives of the Association;

    6. Perform the normal duties of a president officer;

    7. Be considered an exofficio member of all standing committees and appointed committees; and

    8. Serve a term of one year.

  2. The President-Elect shall

    1. In the event of absence or incapacity of the President, it shall be the duty of the President-Elect to assume and perform the duties of the President;

    2. Succeed the President at the end of the latter's term of office;

    3. Serve a an advisor and promoter of continuing education, professional in-service training activities, and active Association membership recruitment; and

    4. Serve a term of one year.

  3. The Immediate Past-President shall:

    1. Serve as counsel and advisor to the Executive Board. If there is no Immediate Past-President, the office shall be left vacant until filled by natural processes; and

    2. Serve as chairperson to the Nominations and Election Committee.

  4. The Secretary shall:

    1. Keep and maintain accurate records of all meetings of the Association, and of the Executive Board;

    2. Be responsible for official correspondence of the Association;

    3. Issue notices of meetings;

    4. Prepare and distribute ballots; and

    5. Serve a term of two years.

  5. The Treasurer shall:

    1. Collect all membership dues and assessments authorized by the Association membership;

    2. Disperse Association funds as authorized by the Executive Board;

    3. Maintain all bank accounts in the name of the Association;

    4. Submit a financial report to the membership at the annual Business Meeting of the Association;

    5. Serve as chairperson of the Finance Committee;

    6. Prepare and submit an annual budget for approval by the Executive Board; and

    7. Serve a term of two years.

Section 4. Executive Board

  1. The Executive Board shall consist of the duty-elected officers, the NASP State Delegate, and Regional Representatives.

  2. Regional Representatives may be elected by a simple majority vote of Association Members designated by the President. Each Regional Representative will have a vote at Executive Board meetings. The length of office for Regional Representatives shall be for one year with an option for re-election. They shall be responsible for representing their region at Executive Board meetings, for being a liaison between their region and the board, for keeping area members informed and for recruiting membership to the Association.

  3. All Chairpersons shall be appointed by the President of the Association, subject to the approval by a simple majority of the Executive Board.

  4. Each member of the Executive Board shall have one vote and issues shall be decided by a simple majority vote. The Executive Board shall have the direction and authority to act for the Association as a whole, but not to alter the dues structure or voting requirements. Changes in the dues structure, voting qualifications, voting procedures, or other constitutional issues may only be accomplished by conducting a secret written ballot of all members of the Association at the time of the balloting.

  5. There shall be at least four meetings of the Executive Board in each calendar year. Meetings shall be held upon the call of the President. Fifty percent of the Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum for conducting official Association business.

  6. Organizations and/or associations to which the Association has officially affiliated shall be encouraged to appoint a nonvoting representative to the Executive Board.

Section 5. Committees

  1. The Executive Board shall authorize the title and composition of standing committees. Groups or individuals who are appointed to carry out tasks that are not identifiable, as work of a specific committee will be given the title, Ad-Hoc Committee or Task Force.

  2. All committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval by the Executive Board. The term of office is effective upon appointment, and shall be concurrent with the President's term of office. Committees may be formed at the discretion of the President and with Executive Board approval.

  3. "The president shall establish a student committee to bring student perspectives to the board, assist in recruiting new members to the organization, promoting new leadership in the state and attracting professionals to the field"

Section 6. Meetings

  1. There shall be a minimum of one Annual General Membership Meeting held each calendar year. The date and place for such a meeting will be announced by the Executive Board at least one month prior to the time selected. Other general membership meetings are encouraged, but not required by this constitution.

  2. A special membership meeting may be held any time upon call of the Executive Board. Meetings of the general membership may also be called by written petition standing. The Association Secretary must authenticate the signatures of petition signers and if a valid petition is presented, the Executive Board must call such a meeting within thirty calendar days following validation.

  3. A quorum of twenty percent of the Association members shall be necessary to conduct Association business during a general membership meeting.

Article V 

Section 1. Dues

Dues shall be payable annually and maintain membership for one year. The amount of the dues shall be set by the Executive Board with the approval of the membership. Voting privileges and eligibility to be a candidate for the Executive Board require paid membership on or before the date of balloting. Retired, Leave of Absence and Student members shall pay dues at reduced rates. Honorary Life members shall be exempt from dues.

Section 2. Budget and Fiscal Year

The Executive Board, upon recommendation of the Treasurer, shall present an annual budget report to the membershipThe fiscal year shall be determined by the Executive Board.

Section 3. Expenditures

Upon adoption of the budget, all accounts payable shall be approved and paid by the Treasurer. Checks may be signed by the Treasurer, President.

Section 4. Debts

No member of the Association shall contract or cause to be made in the name of the Association any debt for any reason whatsoever, without the specific and proper authorization of the Executive Board.

Section 5.

All Assets of the Association upon dissolution of the organization will be distributed to a non-profit, tax exempt cause, as determined by the Executive Board.

Article VI

Removal of officers from their elected posts for due cause shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board. A majority vote by the Executive Board shall constitute removal.

Article VII

If the President ceases, for any reason, to serve before the expiration of his/her elected term, the President-Elect shall succeed to the presidency for the unexpired term, and shall also serve the term to which he/she was elected. In case of vacancy in the offices, other than that of the presidency, or vacancy in other elected positions in the Association, the Executive Board has the power to fill any such vacancy by appointment until the next annual election.

Article VIII
Definition of Key Terms

  1. Association: The term which designates and refers to the new Mexico Association of School Psychologists.

  2. Constitution: The primary document of the New Mexico Association of School Psychologists, which serves as the basic charter, to guarantee rights and powers of members.

  3. Member: A person in good standing is one who has submitted an application for membership which has been approved, and who has paid dues for the period covered by the application.

Article IX
Effective Date

This Constitution shall become effective upon ratification by the Regular Members by secret written ballot.

Updated 2021

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