New Mexico Association of School Psychologists
Annual Conference
Date: November 3rd-4th, 2023
Location: Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) - Workforce Training Center
5600 Eagle Rock Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113
Friday, November 3rd
7:30: Nature Walk (Meet at Almeda Rio Grande Open Space - Alameda Blvd NW, Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104)
9am- 10am: Keynote Address by Dr. Andrea Clyne, NASP President - A Season for Champions
10am-12pm: Morning Session - Championing Mental and Behavioral Health through Equity-Centered MTSS - Dr. Andrea Clyne, NASP President
12pm-1pm: Lunch (Catered)
1pm-2:30pm: Afternoon Session 1: Advocacy in Action (Panel Discussion)
2:30-4pm: Afternoon Session 2: Inclusion, Ethics, Mediation and Navigating the the Special Education Complaint Process, Dr. Melinda Shane
5pm: Social event at Tin Can Alley ABQ
Saturday, November 4th
9am - 10:30am: Morning Session 1: Decoding Dyslexia- A Psychoeducational Breakdown for Understanding Neurodiverse Children - Amy Baldonado, MA, ED.S
10:30am-12pm: Morning Session 2: Evaluating English Learners - Ricky Adams, MA
12pm-1pm: Lunch (Catered) and Business Meeting
1pm-4pm: Afternoon Session: School Psychologists' Ethical Obligations with Regard to School Discipline, Policing, and Students' Rights - Maryam Ahranjani JD, LLM
Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North
5151 San Francisco Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109
Non-member price: $275 for conference registration and NMASP membership
Student Price: $50 for student conference registration and NMASP membership
Non-member One Day Registration price: $200 for conference registration
To register beginning 9/15/2023:
Register at:
Final agenda will be sent to registrants the week of the conference
Questions? Email us at:
Dr. Lisa Peterson, President
Dr. Michael Klein, Secretary,